FSA Organizer Features

Easy-to-Follow Questionnaire

In FSA Organizer™, 29R-03 has been analyzed and re-assembled to a series of questions. Complete the questionnaire, and based on your answers a Method Selection Worksheet will be generated.

Explained in 4 minutes

Simple to use. This short video covers entire application.

It's Your Report

FSA Organizer™ pulls guidelines from 29R-03, but which method you recommend is your call. Your decision may disagree with 29R-03, and that's okay. You can annotate the basis of your decision in comparison with the guidelines from 29R-03.

Bring Transparency to the Process

All the answers and annotations are recorded in the report, along with your recommended analysis method.

Genuine 29R-03

FSA Organizer™'s logic is all extracted from AACE International Recommended Practice 29R-03 Forensic Schedule Analysis.


  1. Validate your method selection decision against 29R-03.
  2. Build a nice report for your customer.
  3. Record the basis of your method selection decision for transparency.


  1. Examine, verify, and record all at once.
  2. Run it against your analyst, or your opponent’s analyst.
  3. The recorded basis of the decision can be used to support, or argue against, any changes in method selection.

Start FSA Organizer!

FSA Organizer™
© 2024 - Agile SALT, LLC (info@agilesalt.net)